Quitting Weed

Day 169 - Do I still think about Smoking Weed? Sometimes

Show Notes

- Do I still think about Smoking Weed? Sometimes I do
- I am still clean since I quit 169 days ago, but there are times that I want to smoke some weed
- They don't happen very often; maybe once every 6 weeks
- They tend to happen when I have a free night with no wife or daughter around
- I want to enjoy and in the past, I would enjoy my time with weed
- But I know if I give into the weed, then I would be back smoking it on a regular basis
- It's okay to think about weed. And when I do, I just take some deep breaths and tell myself that I don't need it
- It's worked so far

What is Quitting Weed?

Sharing my journey and tips to quitting weed.