Quitting Weed

Day 152 - Weed doesn’t define anymore

Show Notes

- When I smoked, most people didn’t know that I smoked. But the ones that knew I smoked, basically defined me as a smoker
- They would say that I smoked more weed than anyone that they knew. And they probably weren’t wrong about that
- At first I thought is cool being the weed smoker. Like I was in this rarified club. But after awhile, I didn’t feel that way. If anything I felt embarrassed if others knew that I smoked
- Now I’ve only been clean from weed for 152 days. But I don’t think of myself as a smoker anymore. It doesn’t define me anymore. Weed is not a part of my life anymore
- For me, I couldn’t smoke weed casually. For it me, it was all consuming. Weed really did define me. It’s nice not being defined by weed anymore

What is Quitting Weed?

Sharing my journey and tips to quitting weed.