Ad Speaks Houston: A Podcast by the American Advertising Foundation - Houston Chapter

For the American Advertising Federation Houston, this year has really taken off with an incredible lunch event with our friends at the Houston Automobile Association presenting the new metrics of car buying. It's now a process just as complicated as the engine under the hood. And before you know it, here comes the 2020 American Advertising Awards, set for February 20th. We sat down with Joni Verdina and Dwight Douthit to talk about the judging process and cool sponsorship opportunities.

Show Notes

Both Joni and Dwight are passionate about Houston, our advertising community, and the annual event that lets the best of the best shine.  Joni and Dwight are AAFH board members and when you see what goes into just one night of celebration it's hard to imagine how the ADDY Awards team gets it all right.  So many moving parts and like any other awards program, the essential element of making it fun.  Sponsorship opportunities and a behind-the-scenes look at this year's judging team.  They are creatives at the top of their game, and they come from all over the United States.  Get ready to celebrate, it's ADDY Awards time once again.

Ad Speaks Houston is an audio production of Radio Lounge:  Voiceover coach Houston , podcast studio Houston

What is Ad Speaks Houston: A Podcast by the American Advertising Foundation - Houston Chapter?

Ad Speaks Houston takes you behind the scenes with the people and programs that make the American Advertising Federation - Houston Chapter (AAF-Houston) one of the top Ad Clubs in the country. Great conversations about how this club reaches a broad base of multi-cultural creatives and marketing professionals, and how it continues to lead the way in membership and growth.