Serious about sustainability

Serious about sustainability Trailer Bonus Episode 19 Season 1

Ep19 Supporting Social Housing For Net Zero

Ep19 Supporting Social Housing For Net ZeroEp19 Supporting Social Housing For Net Zero


Decarbonising social housing with Ecodan.

Show Notes

In this episode, Ecodan’s Russell Dean is in conversation with Architect and Ecodan Ambassador George Clarke, and James Mealing, ex-Director at Blueflame. James discusses his 15 years of experience with renewable energy and installing air source heat pumps for social housing developments. James highlights getting the fundamentals right for a successful social housing heat pump project. The group discusses running costs compared with oil and gas boilers, the funding streams available to UK housing associations and what a long-term approach towards healthier homes will mean for tenant wellbeing.

This episode was recorded on the 6th of September 2022.

1:00 / James Mealing
4:07 / How heat pump technology has improved
8:00 / User-friendly controls
9:37 / The perfect Ecodan set-up
10:35 / Getting it right for social housing 
13:28 / Social housing providers adopting green technology
16:35 / ASHP runnings costs compared with oil and gas 
18:24 / Village hall visits for ASHP education
23:40 / Funding streams for social housing
37:13 / Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan
37:39 / Advise for housing associations 
41:15 / 24/7 homeowner helpline
43:50 / Using AI to future monitor
45:50 / Heat as a service
59:30 / Healthy homes for tenants

What is Serious about sustainability?

Serious about sustainability is a podcast series brought to you by Mitsubishi Electric's Ecodan – air source heat pump. Through a series of guest interviews including architect and Ecodan Ambassador, George Clarke, the podcast series covers a range of topics, from the perspective of UK homeowners, self-builders, contractors, and housing associations. The show promotes greater awareness of renewable, heat pump technology, helping to build a sustainable, zero-carbon future for home heating.