Go for Growth with Doug Hall

June Jewell has seen lots of ups and downs in her many years as a CPA, with companies she’s worked for, her own ventures, and the businesses of clients she works with at AEC Business Solutions. In many ways, that’s prepared her for the current pandemic crisis engulfing the world. One way she’s ahead of the game: she’s been working remotely from home since 1990 and has set it up so her team can do the same. Along the way, she’s discovered best practices for running a “virtual” office.

Show Notes

June Jewell has seen lots of ups and downs in her many years as a CPA, with companies she’s worked for, her own ventures, and the businesses of clients she works with at AEC Business Solutions. 
In many ways, that’s prepared her for the current pandemic crisis engulfing the world. One way she’s ahead of the game: she’s been working remotely from home since 1990 and has set it up so her team can do the same. Along the way, she’s discovered best practices for running a “virtual” office.
One of the main ways she helps clients is by helping them find top employees, which can be quite difficult in specialized fields with a lot of demand. She focuses on architecture and engineering firms, but these are lessons that can be applied to just about any industry.
We’ll talk about the many types of employees – and which ones work best for your business, as well as
  • A systematic process for finding “lost dollars” in your business
  • Old school management philosophies to avoid
  • Why having high revenue can kill your business
  • The most common way to lose money with a client – and how to avoid it
  • And more

What is Go for Growth with Doug Hall?

The Go for Growth podcast profiles successful entrepreneurs, shares their journey as they build their business, create freedom of time and money, and develop strong teams to run their businesses.