A Dog's Life with Anna Webb

A Dog's Life with Anna Webb Trailer Bonus Episode 188 Season 1

Barking at the Nation

Barking at the NationBarking at the Nation

This week Anna chats to broadcaster Jo Good about the journey of the famous ‘dog slot' on BBC radio that she's co-hosted with Anna for 14 years and now is broadcast across the UK.  Recapping on how they met, they talk about the media and dogs and how post pandemic the world of dogs has shifted. Anna and Jo touch on interviews and the messages to get across,  reminisce about their first dogs that were TV and radio naturals,  and about how this year is quite landmark with legislation tightening its grip with Public Space Protection Orders, the XL Bully ban, and what’s in store for 2024, not  least Jo’s  YouTube channel ‘MiddleAgedMinx’ that is not to be missed!

Jo's website and Instagram

Listen to Barking At The Moon on Late Night Jo on BBC Radio

Petli App is like a revolution to help everyone get the best out of their dog, and optimise the unique journey you and your dog will share.

Check out the Petli APP  here and follow them on Instagram

If you want to move your dog to a raw diet or even switch brands we wholly recommend Paleo Ridge

For more about Anna go to annawebb.co.uk

Music and production by Mike Hanson for Pod People Productions

Cover art by Jaijo

Cover photo by Rhian Ap Gruffydd at Gruff Pawtraits

For advertising and sponsorship opportunities contact info@theloniouspunkproductions.com

What is A Dog's Life with Anna Webb?


They’re companions, guardians, and much much more – they complete us. And they just might save us from ourselves.

Anna Webb explores all levels of modern dog ownership and brings to life why every dog is extraordinary.

She speaks to scientists and experts - people who have and are changing our understanding of dogs - on everything from emotional intelligence to nutrition to behaviour, delving deep into subjects like homeopathy, telepathic communication and the pet food scandal.

It's thought provoking, alternative, and not a little subversive.

Cover photo by @Gruffpawtraits