Chris Waddell's Nametags Chat Podcast

Not only is he a 22-time finisher (and five-time division winner) of the prestigious BAA® Boston Marathon (making him the only person to have completed the marathon on foot and subsequently in a wheelchair), he has also earned more than 100 gold medals in the National Wheelchair Veterans Games (the nation’s largest annual sporting event for athletes with disabilities). A triathlete since 1999, Savicki became the first quadriplegic to finish the 70.3-mile Beach to Battleship Half Ironman Triathlon in his home state of North Carolina in 2009. He also played quad rugby – a Paralympic sport more popularly known as MURDERBALL – for 13 years and spent three years as a high-performance program member competing for a spot on the Athens 2004 Paralympic team. Mike is former deputy director of World T.E.A.M. Sports, a non-profit for people with and without disabilities. Mike is also the founder of Afterburner Communications - A full service communications company focusing on helping clients develop and deliver their image, promote their brand, and communicate their message. And a high school teacher at the Community School of Davidson North Carolina.

What is Chris Waddell's Nametags Chat Podcast?

Those who face the greatest adversity tell the most enlightening stories. Hall of Fame Paralympic athlete, the first “nearly unassisted” paraplegic to summit Mt Kilimanjaro and the founder of One Revolution Foundation Chris Waddell chats with members of the adaptive community regarding some of life’s most enduring questions: am I a victim or a survivor, is the situation overwhelming or a challenge, am I alone or part of a team and do I have one strategy or many? One Revolution’s Nametags Educational Program provides a jumping off point for people who live a life of courage, fulfilment and purpose that defies many.