One Choice From Change

Remember when you lived a life from wonder?

For a lot of us we stopped choosing that from a very young age.  We think we are just us, not noticing how magnificent and unique we are. When no one else sees what we see, or know what we know we eliminate everything that we are to fit into a world we did not know how to fit into.

 I have been there, done that, wore the t-shirt… and I hope this episode of where this journey all started contributes to you getting to more of you starting a journey of what is true for you.

This is part 2 of a 5-part series about facing a secret that was destroying my life. Stay tuned and listen to episodes 43-48 for the full series.

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What is One Choice From Change?

Welcome to Once Choice From Change.

A weekly podcast with Brendon Watt inviting you to get a sense of the dynamics of choice, the way that choice works and the way you can create your life based on what you're willing to choose and the difference you're willing to be.

Each week, you're invited to listen in on conversations with guests who have unique perspectives and inspiring stories on how they use and live the tools from the Access Consciousness to create greater possibilities and a life beyond their wildest dreams every day.

At the end of every episode, you may find yourself with a whole new awareness of what else is possible for you and the world- or at the very least - an increased sense of happiness and possibilities!

Topics include parenting, money, relationships, creation, business, entrepreneurship, power, possibilities and change.

For more information, visit