National MPS Society: Our Voices

Our host Maureen Cote has a compelling interview with Morgan Motsinger, a life coach, mom, and serial entrepreneur. We're going to talk about Morgan's unique journey with her beautiful family, her family's devastating diagnosis, and how she got to the place of radical acceptance.

Show Notes

On this episode:
  • Annie, Morgan's daughter, was diagnosed about 10 years ago with MPS IIIA, also known as Sanfilippo IIIA. Children with MPS lack an enzyme that breaks down complex sugar molecules, which leads to progressive disease manifestations.
  • Morgan shares her perspective on her daughter's initial diagnosis, including the initial encounter with an astute ENT doctor that had concern for an underlying genetic condition that would explain certain physical characteristics and developmental delays.  
  • Morgan discusses some of the ways that her daughters MPS IIIA manifested itself before and after her diagnosis at 3 1/2 years old.
  • We ask Morgan how she was able to get to a place of radical acceptance and live a joy filled life despite her daughter's Sanfilippo diagnosis.
  • Morgan started an interior design company in an effort to find something outside the home for herself, while balancing the need to be home to care for her children. The experience empowered her to help other women find their way in the world of entrepreneurship.
  • "I think if I was going to put a label on my life of what the biggest lesson has been through all of this, it has been how to be resilient in the face of extraordinary circumstances." ~ Morgan Motsinger
  • Morgan wanted to share her experience and coping skills she learned with others and started a life coaching business.
  • Both of Morgan's businesses provide support for special needs families.
  • Caregivers seem to put themselves last, but Morgan gives practical advice on how to prioritize self-care and understand it is both important and worth the effort.
  • Morgan highlights the importance of finding perspective and embracing personal responsibility and what that has looked like in her life.
Find out more about our guest and her businesses at and

The  National MPS Society exists to cure, support, and advocate for MPS and ML.
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What is National MPS Society: Our Voices?

We explore the unique lives and work of our community's leaders, professionals, and inspirational members--conversations about the challenges, courage, and dedication that are pillars of this community. We share new perspectives, insights, and knowledge about the rare disease that impacts our daily lives and guides our individual journeys.

The National MPS Society exists to cure, support and advocate for MPS and ML.