All Our Faults

In the aftermath of Jacob's death, Crispin goes on a hunt for evil. Michael’s life and undeath meet in an unexpected way. Michael, Burt, and Saline arrange an outing to discuss their special circumstances.

Cast in this episode include Abby Marie Carter (@abby_marie_carter), Ben (@DJ_blindian), Juicy Garland (@juicygarland), Kat Kellie (@katkelliesocial), and Mistress Winter (@gmistresswinter)

Find more AOF and Tabletop Talespinners Network content at

You can reach the cast and crew by emailing us at

Music and Sound Credits:
Scott Buckley (
Tabletop Audio (
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What is All Our Faults?

In the city of Chester's Chasm, four teenagers grapple with lives divided between the mundane and the supernatural: Burt working for Death to save a friend, Crispin yearning to escape a zealous cult, Michael indulging his vampiric nature, and Saline pursued by creatures from the Fae. All Our Faults is a Monsterhearts 2 actual play podcast produced by the Tabletop Talespinners Network.