Noble Bereans

Boaz approached a closer relative about being a redeemer and he accepted, but he didn't know what all that entailed! Today we see Boaz tactfully handle this as he solidifies his future with Ruth.

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Ruth 4:5 (NET) Then Boaz said, “When you acquire the field from Naomi, you must also acquire Ruth the Moabite, the wife of our deceased relative, in order to preserve his family name by raising up a descendant who will inherit his property.” 6 The guardian said, “Then I am unable to redeem it, for I would ruin my own inheritance in that case. You may exercise my redemption option, for I am unable to redeem it.”

What is Noble Bereans?

Short, to-the-point podcasts that urge followers of Christ to be like the noble-minded Bereans of Acts 17:11.