Serious about sustainability

Upskilling UK gas engineers to be able to install air source heat pumps.

Show Notes

In this episode, Russell Dean from Ecodan is in conversation with Architect and Ecodan Ambassador George Clarke, Will Allanson, Deputy Principal at Harlow College and Lance Hitchins, People and Training Manager at Mitsubishi Electric. The group discusses the transitional challenges of upskilling UK gas engineers to be able to install air source heat pumps. Lance explains the benefits of Mitsubishi Electric's new Ecodan Training Centre at Hatfield – allowing their courses to combine online group sessions with more personal, 'hands-on' teaching. Will Allanson from Harlow College talks about promoting 'carbon literacy' and 'decarbonising their college curriculum' to deliver sustainable heating education to the next generation of heating installers.

This episode was recorded on 6th Sept 2022.

01:06 / The need to upskill
02:15 / Ecodan training challenges 
03:50 / Learning plumbing and electrics 
11:30 / Decarbonising the curriculum
13:00 / Engaging with employers for jobs 
15:00 / Transitional phase for skills 
18:00 / Regional job opportunities
23:00 / A sustainable journey
28:45 / Educate for carbon literacy
34:50 / Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan
35:15 / The green economy
36:15 / The commercial benefits of Ecodan 
39:00 / The opportunities for gas installers 
44:20 / The biggest challenge for educators 
53:20 / Honesty, education & collaboration

What is Serious about sustainability?

Serious about sustainability is a podcast series brought to you by Mitsubishi Electric's Ecodan – air source heat pump. Through a series of guest interviews including architect and Ecodan Ambassador, George Clarke, the podcast series covers a range of topics, from the perspective of UK homeowners, self-builders, contractors, and housing associations. The show promotes greater awareness of renewable, heat pump technology, helping to build a sustainable, zero-carbon future for home heating.