Ms. InterPReted

What should a brand's management team do in-the-moment when a crisis erupts... seemingly out of nowhere?

Being fast on one's feet -- but avoiding knee-jerk-reaction errors or rookie mistakes (like "kill the messenger" or stifling of truthful information) -- can spell the difference between a winning response to a sudden crisis event ... or failure with long-term consequences to brand reputation.

On this episode of "Ms. InterPReted," Kelly Fletcher and Mary Beth West point out data and best-practices that every public relations practitioner and brand manager should know.

Show Notes

When crises strike, having a plan is essential -- and most strategists know that rule-of-thumb. 

But what about a crisis that unfolds in real-time, right before one's eyes (and the eyes of hundreds, thousands or even millions of stakeholders), when seconds count and the cameras are on?

Kelly and Mary Beth discuss some recent events and several new pieces of industry data that PR pros and client teams alike should take into consideration.  

What is Ms. InterPReted?

Public Relations stands as one of the most misunderstood, misinterpreted areas of business and organizational management. With Fletcher Marketing PR Founder and CEO Kelly Fletcher and Senior Strategist Mary Beth West, we’re here to turn around PR’s own bad PRess, cut through the nomenclature, and demystify public relations as the best pathway to create, grow and amplify the roots of positive management, communications, culture and careers -- for success that matters.