Baywatch Rookie School

S1 E15: Muddy Waters. It's time to engage in some discussion of watersports! We've got creep shot photographers! Cats! Sexism! A heist? I guess? But on the plus side, we get badly ADRed screams and modeling shots of Captain Thorpe. Eyyyy, we make-a da best podcast.

Show Notes

S1 E15: Muddy Waters. It's time to engage in some discussion of watersports! We've got creep shot photographers! Cats! Sexism! A heist? I guess? But on the plus side, we get badly ADRed screams and modeling shots of Captain Thorpe. Eyyyy, we make-a da best podcast.

Morgan's rating: 4
Michael's rating: 3

Episode discussion starts @02:52. Post-episode discussion starts @01:17:27.

Assorted show notes:

@15:43 We'd liked to issue an important correction here. Tad Ghostal IS Space Ghost. That's his real name. His brother is Chad Ghostal. His grandpa may or may not be Macho Man Randy Savage.

@26:26 Look at this creepy piece of hunk.

@51:03 Please follow Luigi Primo on Twitter and on Instagram. If you don't already enjoy him, please watch this video:

Art by Katie Rose @kilogramrose.

What is Baywatch Rookie School?

A podcast where 2 men—who have never watched Baywatch before—try and watch Baywatch!