How I Became...

Drew Train set up shop as Co-Founder and President of OBERLAND, the agency for purpose-driven brands, with Bill Oberlander in May of 2014. Previously, Drew started the social-good practice at J. Walter Thompson New York, called JWT Ethos. He now frames the go-to-market approach for OBERLAND and runs the business with purpose-driven marketing at the core. He has also served on the Board of Directors at Summer Infant and lead accounts for HSBC, UPS, Puma, Verizon and Lufthansa.

Key Take Aways
  • Purpose is becoming increasingly important in branding and marketing, and it is following a similar growth trajectory as digital did.
  • Building a purpose-driven agency requires patience, authenticity, and a long-term view of brand equity.
  • While there may be challenges and doubters, founders should remember that no one has all the answers and everyone is figuring it out as they go.
  • Consumers can be forgiving, but brands need to be authentic and consistent in their purpose-driven efforts to build lasting brand love.
  • Purpose is not just about marketing and communications; it should be implemented within organizations through policies, benefits, and actions.
  • The myth that all founders have it all figured out is not true; everyone is trying to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of entrepreneurship.

What is How I Became...?

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