The Bible's Guide to Surviving the Election

While many believers looking to improve personality traits are prone to focus on the fruit of the spirit detailed in Galatians, a section of Proverbs 6 is an amalgam of jolting, convicting, and eye-opening, and it shouldn’t be ignored.

These verses serve as a Scriptural gut-check worthy of being reflected upon by every believer in any and all seasons — but particularly in a highly emotional election season.. Rather than offering a set of positive parameters, Proverbs 6:16-19 details the “six things the Lord hates.”

Here's how to avoid them.

What is The Bible's Guide to Surviving the Election?

Trump. Biden. Anger. Chaos. Frustration. The 2024 election is already bringing about a plethora of emotions, and the responses are only going to intensify as we get closer to November. But what does the Bible say, and how are Christians called to respond? Unfortunately, too many of us simply aren't asking or even considering.

The tongue (and typing fingertips), as the Book of James reminds us, holds the power to set forests on fire, and it's easy to simply pour gasoline on the already out-of-control flames. But, aren't we called to something more?

"The Bible's Guide to Surviving the Election" is Billy Hallowell's effort to cut through the chaos, emotion, strong opinions, and other distractions to focus on biblical tidbits that should force us all — regardless of political persuasion — to think a bit deeper before we respond or engage in the wild politics of the day.