The Radical Hospitality Project

The Radical Hospitality Project Trailer Bonus Episode 4 Season 1

Episode 004: Ann Boaden

Episode 004: Ann BoadenEpisode 004: Ann Boaden

Episode 004: Ann Boaden

Radical Hospitality During Coffee Hour  

Ann Boaden is professor emerita of English at Augustana College. Her work appears in 
Another Chicago Magazine, Big Muddy, Blue Unicorn, From SAC, Ginosko, litbreak, The Other Journal, South Dakota Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Windhover, and many others. Books include Light and Leaven and Fritiof's Story.

What is The Radical Hospitality Project?

The Radical Hospitality Project

The Radical Hospitality Project is the product of a partnership between the Midwest Writing Center and The Galvin Fine Arts Center at St Ambrose University.

Our project includes an upcoming print publication, a spoken word contest and this podcast all centered around the St. Ambrose College of Arts & Sciences 23-24 annual theme “Radical Hospitality.”

We hope that our project helps to expand empathy and advocates for a less cruel world.