Running On Purpose

In this Thanksgiving special episode, I interview Bill Corrigan an athlete I have worked with for over four years who was diagnosed almost two years ago with ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease. What follows is an inspiring & moving conversation around how this disease has changed Bill's life & how much we all have to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving & godspeed, my friends. 
At the end of the episode, Bill mentions his fundraiser for Boston this year, HERE IS A LINK. 
I also mention our first conversation titled Q&A: On Planning Mental Training.
Also, the title of this episode is taken from a quote Bill mentions repeatedly from Andrea Lytle Peet. Definitely check out her inspiring story. 

Creators & Guests

Steve Sisson

What is Running On Purpose?

A seasonal, bi-weekly podcast dedicated to integrating body, mind & soul for what the race requires.