A-Z of tech

In this temporary veer away from the alphabet, we sit
down with Margaret Campbell, a curator at the Science Museum's latest
exhibition 'Driverless: who is in control?'. Louise and Hugo chat to
Margaret about her highlights from the exhibition, including the UK's
first driverless car from the 1960s, the use of driverless
technologies to clear Afghanistan’s land mines and how autonomous bots
are monitoring the ocean’s oil spills.

Stay tuned for next month’s episode ‘G for 5G’ where we’re cutting
through the noise to tell you all about the world of new technologies
that will be enabled by 5G.

Show Notes

In this temporary veer away from the alphabet, we sit down with Margaret Campbell, a curator at the Science Museum's latest exhibition 'Driverless: who is in control?'. Louise and Hugo chat to Margaret about her highlights from the exhibition, including the UK's first driverless car from the 1960s, the use of driverless technologies to clear Afghanistan’s land mines and how autonomous bots are monitoring the ocean’s oil spills. Stay tuned for next month’s episode ‘G for 5G’ where we’re cutting through the noise to tell you all about the world of new technologies that will be enabled by 5G.

What is A-Z of tech?

A is for Artificial Intelligence, B is for Blockchain,
C is for Cyber Security. Follow our journey through an alphabet of
technology trends with PwC's technologists and special