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Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die
Episode 25
Season 1
La Petite Mort: The Last Hurrah Funerals
The Last Hurrah Funerals are a bespoke funeral service based in Naarm, who offer 'authentic and unique funerals' that take extra care to build a service truly personal and fitting. In their words:
The Last Hurrah Funerals are a bespoke funeral service based in Naarm, who offer 'authentic and unique funerals' that take extra care to build a service truly personal and fitting. In their words:
'The Last Hurrah hold no specific ethos in regard to how the dead should be farewelled; instead our primary aim is to support those who are grieving to farewell their kith and kin in a way that is meaningful to them, and to create funerals and rites that truly and authentically reflect the person who has died.'
Co-founder Kimba Griffith is an acclaimed jazz vocalist, birth attendant, ceremonialist, funeral director, and compassionate companion to the dying. Kimba is able to hold space in a quiet and composed manner, be assertive when advocating for families’ needs and desires, and bring her skills as a writer, ceremony creator and ritualist to craft an authentic ritual, ceremony or last hurrah.
Kimba has spoken at panels and been a keynote speaker on the topic of death literacy and family-led funerals for the Florida Independent Funeral Directors’ Association, The Wheeler Centre, The Malt House Theatre, SMCT, The Association of Independent Funeral Directors, ABC radio Big Ideas, The Sophia Club, ABC774 and more.
In this chat, she unpacks her journey to the realm of mortality and the life-affirming (and saving) lessons she's picked up along the way.
The Last Hurrah Funerals Website
Last Hurrah (IG The Last Hurrah Funerals)
Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).
You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod
Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)
Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)
Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)
Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)
Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions)
With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)
Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)
and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham)
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Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources: