Into the Word with Bryce Ferguson

Into the Word with Bryce Ferguson Trailer Bonus Episode 70 Season 1

Genesis 26:34-27:13 / Blindness and deception

Genesis 26:34-27:13 / Blindness and deceptionGenesis 26:34-27:13 / Blindness and deception

When Isaac is old, his focus continues to be for Esau.  As his sight leaves him, he seeks to bless Esau.  But Rebekah overhears Isaac’s intentions and, in a plot to deceive her husband and take advantage of his blindness, because her focus is Jacob, she recruits Jacob to pass himself off as Esau and be the supplanter. 

[note: technical difficulties prevented an episode on 4.28.24]

Additional scripture:
1 Samuel 3:1-21, 1 Samuel 2:12-36, Matthew 13:10-15, 2 Timothy 3:12-13, John 3:19-21

What is Into the Word with Bryce Ferguson?

An Exegetical teaching of God's Word