Perpetual Success

Understanding the Challenge:
Discover why change, even when beneficial, induces anxiety and fear. We explore human nature's tendency to seek comfort over the discomfort of the unknown, drawing insights from pioneers in stress research and psychology.
Client Story - Mark's Journey: Follow the story of Mark, a hardworking individual who learns that success isn't just about diligence but also about making your voice heard and claiming your space.
Insights and Research: Unravel the science behind our resistance to change with references to Dr. Hans Selye's stress research, Dr. Carol Dweck's mindset frameworks, and the concept of neuroplasticity introduced by Dr. Norman Doidge.
Mindset Shifting Questions: Engage with introspective questions designed to challenge your perception of change and encourage a journey of internal transformation.

Practical Coaching Tips:

Download the accompanying FEAR Reflection worksheet from the episode description. This resource is designed to guide you through the process of facing, examining, accepting, and reframing your fears and beliefs about change.

Call to Action:

Share your journey with us on social media using #PerpetualSuccessJourney and tag @ondine.d. Let's celebrate your steps towards embracing change and achieving perpetual success together.

Compass Check:

Reflect on the key takeaways from today’s episode and how you can apply the wisdom of embracing change to navigate towards your Perpetual Success Land.

Closing Remarks:

Embrace the discomfort of change with the quote, "Embrace the discomfort. Growth and change often come from stepping outside your comfort zone." - Ed Mylett. Stay tuned for next week’s episode on Goal-Setting for Perpetual Success.

Sponsored by ORCHESTRADOR:
This episode is brought to you by ORCHESTRADOR, the ultimate technology ally for coaches. Simplify your coaching business with ORCHESTRADOR’s comprehensive, automated business solutions. Learn more at

Special Offer:

Interested in deeper transformation? Schedule a complimentary Empowerment Pathfinder Call with Ondine D. Visit PERPETUALSUCCESS.COACH to book your call and begin charting a course for unparalleled achievement.

  • (00:38) - Welcome address
  • (01:57) - Segment 1: Client's story
  • (05:18) - Segment 1: The science behind change
  • (09:13) - Segment 2: Mindset Shifting Questions
  • (11:55) - Segment 3: FEAR Reflection exercise
  • (17:34) - Segment 4: Compass Check
  • (19:42) - Closing Segment

Creators & Guests

Ondine D.

What is Perpetual Success?

Chart your path to an extraordinary life of endless achievements with practical tips, powerful insights, and inspiring stories in each episode led by Mindset Transformation Leader, Ondine D.. Let's set our compass for Perpetual Success together!