Mads Singers Management Podcast

In today’s episode, we are joined by Tom Hunt who once was working as Head of marketing for B2B SaaS business to owning his very own agency. Tom and I shared a lot of similar things. We do not only run our own podcast channels but we also love talking about recruitment and management.

Show Notes

In today’s episode, we are joined by Tom Hunt who once was working as Head of marketing for B2B SaaS business to owning his very own agency. Tom and I shared a lot of similar things. We do not only run our own podcast channels but we also love talking about recruitment and management
Tom and I covered topics around how one-to-one meetings create an impact on your employees’ performance. Speaking of performance, we also talked about when is a performance bonus necessary for your organization and how it is important to look at it in the context of your organization’s goals and financial standing. 

And since we were talking about our businesses, we were also talking about how do we identify the right person. Most of the time in recruitment, you’re able to identify a great bunch of people for a business need but it’s not always that you’re able to identify the right person for the right seat. There are so many interesting points for you. Tune in, learn and take notes for yourself. Surely, you’ll not be empty-handed after listening! 

What do we cover in this episode?
  • How one-to-one meetings make people management better; 
  • How effective recruitment helps businesses financially; 
  • How you can teach your performers the most important management skill; and 
  • Why performance bonuses are not always a good external motivator for employees 

Episode Resources: 
  1. Linkedin
  2. Fame
  3. bCast
  4. Mads Singers Free Management Training

What is Mads Singers Management Podcast ?

Learn from dedicated entrepreneurs, innovators, and experts who have been in your shoes, effectively managing people, successfully growing businesses, and helping others do the same!

Hi! I am Mads Singers, your podcast host, People Management Coach, and Consultant.

My management philosophy is based on a simple and unique premise:
Treat everyone as an individual and put the right individuals into the right box.

Doing this makes the rest of the management process that much easier.


Get better results by learning the “hacks” from the best and learn actionable steps to apply to your business and personal life!

New episodes are published every Wednesday at 9 AM EST.