Arrggh! A Video Game Podcast from The Waffling Taylors

Episode three of our podcast is going to be split into three parts (we told you that we could waffle about video games). This post is the show notes for part one.

Show Notes

Remember that you can always get in touch with us on our Facebook page or on Twitter.

A couple of things that you need to know going in:
  • One instance of “Hey Siri!” and one “Alexa”
There’s one instance of someone saying “Hey Siri!”, so take care if you’re an iOS user or have Apple products laying about take care. There’s also one instance of an “Alexa!” so Echo owners will need headphones.
  • There are a few J-Bombs
We didn’t want to censor ourselves – although we always make a point of keeping any swears out of the podcast. But I wanted to give you a heads up that there is, at least, one J-Bomb in this episode. If these cause issues, then I’ll make a point of editing them out in the future. But please listen responsibly. 

Full show notes can be found here:

The Waffling Taylors is a proud member of Jay and Jay Media. If you like this episode, please consider supporting our Podcasting Network. One $3 donation provides a week of hosting for all of our shows. You can support this show, and the others like it, at
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What is Arrggh! A Video Game Podcast from The Waffling Taylors?

A fun and silly discussion about video games (both retro and contemporary), video game movies, and pretty much anything related to video games. It is hosted by brothers Jay and Squidge (who may or may not be a cartoon wolf), and featuring the best guests around - including some real video game development legends.
Whether it's an in-depth discussion about video games, films surrounding video games, or light-hearted nonsense and tangents, this may be the pod for you.