The Worst Movie of the Year: A City of Geek Podcast

A Star is Bored...Bob, Kim, and Tony return to talk about the failed star vehicle for Mariah Carey. To our surprise, we didn't hate it! That doesn't mean it's a good movie, listen on to why!

Show Notes

A Star is Bored...Bob, Kim, and Tony return to talk about the failed star vehicle for Mariah Carey. To our surprise, we didn't hate it! That doesn't mean it's a good movie, listen on to why! More? Check out earlier episodes and our regular reviews and podcasts at
Find Kim at @SeattleScreams, on Ghoulish Tendencies Podcast ( and Tony at and

What is The Worst Movie of the Year: A City of Geek Podcast?

Join Bob, other members of the City of Geek, and guests as we discuss awful movies weekly. In each episode, we discuss the worst film of a randomly chosen year that is available and not already discussed based on Metacritic listings. There will be exceptions based upon notorious current releases and guest requests.