Black Dog Institute Podcasts for Health Professionals

The federal government has made vaping illegal without a prescription for very good reasons. We know that vaping and nicotine can have an impact on brain development, affecting your memory, attention, learning and mood. Vaping can also make mental health issues like anxiety and depression worse. It is also highly addictive.
There are two issues for health professionals to consider
·      people don’t understand vaping’s health impacts.
·      Generally the advice for those who are concerned is to  “talk to your GP or a trusted health professional”
Why is that a problem? Because most of us don’t have effective strategies for helping people stop.
In this recording, GP Dr Chris Lee will increase our understanding of the risks of vaping and provide some very practical advice about talking to people about their habit. 

What is Black Dog Institute Podcasts for Health Professionals?

Black Dog Institute is a global pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment of mental illness and the promotion of well-being. Our unique approach incorporates clinical services with research, education and the voice of lived experience to reduce the incidence of mental illness and suicide, remove stigma and improve lives. Here you will find all of the Podcasts produced by the Black Dog including Expert Insights, Being Well and Emprac.