Homecoming with Sarah Elaine Nelsen

The Homecoming podcast is sponsored by the Homecoming membership, an online therapeutic yoga membership for people looking to connect with their true self through gentle movement, breath work, stillness, and contemplation.

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In this episode I chat with Shanna Small about: 
  • Shanna's background and studies in yoga
  • Obstacles that cause suffering (Kleshas)
  • Ignorance 
  • Not knowing something vs not knowing your true self
  • Creating a persona
  • Attachment & Aversion
  • Fear of death
  • "Yoga is taking out the trash"
  • How to work with the kleshas to decrease your suffering

Shanna's Bio:
Shanna Small is a a yoga educator who speaks to the intersectionality of Yoga and social justice.  She has practiced Ashtanga Yoga and studied the Yoga Sutras since 2001. She has studied in Ashtanga in Mysore with Sharath Jois. Shanna studied Sanskrit, the Yoga Sutras and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika with Laksmish in Mysore, India.

She does Vedic studies, including the Gita, w/ Kaya Mindlin.

Shanna’s finds joy in making yoga accessible for all.  She studied with Amber Karnes and Dianne Bondy and is Yoga For All certified. She is a contributor for Yoga International, OmStars, and Embodied Philosophy.  You can also find her at Sacred Vitality, her own online Yoga platform.

She teaches diversity and inclusivity, Yoga Sutras as well as accessibility trainings and workshops. She is a founding member of Yoga For Recovery Foundation, a non-profit that helps those recovering from addiction, trauma and systemic oppression.  Shanna is also certified in the Trauma Conscious Yoga Method by Nityada G.

Shanna's Links:
Shanna's website
Shanna on Instagram
Practices for Community Connection Fundraiser for Yoga for Recovery Foundation (11/11/2023)
Yoga for Recovery Foundation
Yoga for Recovery Foundation on Instagram

Books mentioned:
Yoga Sutras by Swami Satchidananada

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Sarah's Links:
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About Homecoming
Find out more about Sarah & who she works with on this podcast episode
Sarah's newsletter (receive the FREE Guide to Creating a Yoga Habit)
Sarah’s website
Sarah on Instagram

What is Homecoming with Sarah Elaine Nelsen?

(Formerly Swimming & Singing) Conversations and practices for returning to your true self.