Rose Library Presents: Community Conversations

Poet and scholar Nick Sturm explores the history, contents, and future of the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library, which is among the most significant 20th century English-language poetry collections.

Show Notes

In this episode, Nick Sturm (check out his Twitter and website) takes a deep dive into the fascinating history of the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library, which is housed at the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. The Danowski is home to over 75,000 poetry books, 50,000 little magazines, and thousand of broadsides, posters, and other ephemera. The collection was donated to the Rose in 2004, and continues to guide the poetry collecting mission.

Nick Twemlow is Poetry and Digital Humanities Librarian at Rose Library, where he is also responsible for literary and poetry collection development.

Learn more about the Danowski collection here. This is a fantastic feature on Raymond Danwoski and how the collection came to be: "Raymond Danowski Has Your Chapbook."

What is Rose Library Presents: Community Conversations?

The Community Conversations series invites conversation about an historical person, event, or place. Rose Library staff interview guests connected to the archive to engage in conversation that connects the session with our collections. Audiences will learn from the insights of our guests and more about what we do and who we are as an organization and as a profession.