Men's Leadership Network Podcast

Don’t skip Christmas just because there is an empty seat at the table. Hear from Scott and Kathy Koon today of the hope they found in Christ even in the midst of hard & trying times.

Show Notes

The Christmas season can be a time of great joy, but for some it can shine a light on struggles, loss, and stress. Maybe your problems are financial, relational, or even spiritual. In this month’s podcast, Rolling Hills-own Scott and Kathy Koon talk through navigating the holidays whether you are feeling joy, grief, or just plain lost. They talk about marital strain and how healing begins when you personally strengthen your relationship with the Lord. Grieving and loss affects so many of us when the holidays come because we look around the table and see the empty chairs of loved ones that have passed away.

Don’t skip Christmas just because there is an empty seat at the table. Jesus is there in these struggles and also calls us to commune with believers who can hold our arms up when we feel like we can’t. Scott and Kathy share their insights on growing and extended families and healthy ways to hold fast to some traditions while embracing new ones.

I believe there is a reason we celebrate Thanksgiving leading up to Christmas. It sets your heart in the right place as you try to center your thoughts on the joy and the miracle of Jesus’ birth. As Kathy points out, this time of year serves as a reminder that life is short and we must focus on what is important. This is a time to be grateful and generous for what the Father has done for us and continues to do through us. If you are struggling, start an advent study, speak with someone that can help, or journal about God’s blessings in your life, including those you’ve lost.

When you look back on the traditions and busyness of your life, what will your legacy be? Will you start to read the Christmas story with your family to reflect on the importance of Jesus as man? Will you hold fast to the traditions of those no longer with us, and form new ones to pass down to the generations to come? Scott and Kathy want their legacy to be someone remembered for pointing others to Jesus. To fulfill the Great Commission and to share the Good News with all those they encounter. It’s easy to lose sight of this simple request when we focus on things other than Jesus at Christmas.

No matter where you are, there is a God who loves you and has a purpose your life. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is there with you at the mountain top and He is with you in the valley. If you are struggling in your marriage, fix your eyes on Jesus. If you’re going through a difficult diagnosis, fix your eyes on Jesus. If you are grieving a loss or have an unexpectedly empty seat at your table, fix your eyes on Jesus. He truly is the reason for the season. 

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