Europe - Asia Podcast

The universal values of excellence, friendship and mutual respect are the foundations of the Olympic movement, defined in the modern manifesto of Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1892. With only hours left until the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, the Europe – Asia Podcast will be exploring the values that shape the modern Olympic movement and continue inspiring millions across the globe. Featuring guest of the first podcast episode is the winter sports royalty Tina Maze (Slovenia) and ambassador (ret.) Piet Steel (Belgium), who together with host Matic Gajsek reflect on the importance of sports diplomacy for building international dialogue and Ms Maze’s personal journey to the winning of 4 Olympic medals.

What is Europe - Asia Podcast?

The Europe – Asia Podcast aims at deepening the mutual understanding and building stronger relations between Europe and Asia. Through the narrative driven conversations featuring high-level guests, we embark on the exploration of the complexities and nuances of our time. Episodes will feature the multi-layered relations between Europe and Asia, putting in context topics ranging from socio-historic phenomena, international relations, economics, sports, research and artist.
Podcast is presented by the Brussel's based Europe – Asia Center and hosted by Amb. (ret.) Piet Steel, center's Chairman and Matic Gajsek, center's Deputy director.
#EuropeAsiaCenter #Europe #Asia #Publicdiplomacy #Internationalrelations #Geopolitics #Softdiplomacy #Culturaldiplomacy #Sportsdiplomacy