Quantum Heart Cafe

For today's show I have a special guest Jason Bosch, a Filmmaker and Activist who has been working along side Alison McDowell these last few years to educate people about the onset of blockchain, social impact investing, Web3.0, the metaverse and the push to connect all of live to a hive mind/global brain.

Jason Bosch collaborates with Alison to present her content in video format and has accompanied Alison on a few field visits to Arizona, Texas and Utah to conduct important research and meet fellow supporters and friends. What these field visits have done is show people what is happening on the ground level, and how different corporations, municipalities and universities are involved on the local level in the role out of Smart Cities and so on. While what is happening is global, there is a very important local component as well 'As Above, so Below'.

Alison and Jason are now preparing to do a field visit to California to conduct important research and meet with different people along the way. California is where a lot of the behaviourism and psychology involved in the creation of this metaverse, as well as the Spanish Mission schools and Japanese internment camps.

They are preparing to travel this November and are looking for some support for the field trip and have launched a fundraiser to help generate enough funds to cover gas/food and repairs to Jason's vehicle. If you would like to support their fundraiser as well as learn more about their research, you can follow this link to Alison's website Wrench in the Gears: https://wrenchinthegears.com/california-fundraiser/

You can also follow Jason and Alison on youtube via the following links:
Alison's channel (looked after by Jason): https://www.youtube.com/c/AlisonMcDowell
Jason's channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/argusfest

Recently, Jason created a discourse forum where Alison, and a few other researchers (myself included) are sharing important articles and information about what is currently happening. https://discourse.wrenchinthegears.org/

What is Quantum Heart Cafe?

The quantum heart cafe is a place where I share my journey of healing and exploration as I discuss topics such as history, esoteric knowledge, spirituality, quantum physics etc, all while enjoying a cup of coffee. I hope you will join me with your favourite beverage in hand.