Ask Rezzz

You are in client services and work with technology, this is a must listen because the tech will always change, and so you will have to too. This is how you avoid having to chase your tail.

Show Notes

How do I know Matt Medeiros?

Matt is an account representative at Pagely, a managed WordPress hosting company. In his prior life, he co-founded a successful digital agency. He is the host of a number of podcasts, one of which he invited me on.

I’ve known Matt for a number of years in and around the WordPress space. I’ve met Matt on a couple of occasions as well and when he asked me to be a part of a panel of other niche business owners for his podcast, Matt Report, I easily accepted.

Matt and I have an east coast bond together where I guess for lack of a better term, we are all about figuring things out, just putting it out there and not messing around about it.

In this episode, I had a chance to talk about the following:

How to adapt and change to the WordPress climate?

In case you don’t want to read the rest of this, you can check out the full episode for all the details.

In the episode, I shared a variety of things including
  • How WordPress isn’t my business, but a tool I use to solve a problem
  • Ask the hard questions of your business  
  • What my work goal of the year is
Specifically I talk about the benefits of specializing. Where I share how I will experiment, but always do so with the goal in mind of benefitting my clients and my own business.

With regards to specializing, you can leverage your expertise by simply answering questions. There is no shortage of emotion and complaining online, especially when it comes to business and companies. If you can jump into those conversations and be a voice of solution, you immediately position yourself as an authority.

I learned a ton from Sara Dunn and Nathan Allotey as they shared their thoughts and opinions on the ever-changing landscape.

The biggest reason I was excited to be a part of this panel was because Matt doesn’t shy away from asking the hard questions. WordPress is a large community and in recent years it certainly has taken its lumps.

Many businesses that WordPress was a core of have either gone under or been acquired or completely pivoted direction.

The 4 of us share a common bond in that we solve problems for our clients. And if WordPress, Frontpage, Adobe Photoshop or whatever the technology of the “day” is doesn’t help us in doing that, well time to adapt and change.

Definitely go check it out.

If you have a chance too, check out a few of the other episodes as well.

I’d like to thank Matt for being a part of it and including me along amazing folks like Sara Dunn and Nathan Allotey.

What is Ask Rezzz?

You ask, I answer your web development and design business questions. 🚀 Struggling with a client? Want to build recurring revenue but unsure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed? Have a client that's always late? Want to get clients who respect you? This is the show for you 2 times a week.