Q&R Podcast

The Q&R Podcast is for the seeker and skeptic in all of us, designed to create a posture of curiosity about ourselves 
and others. 

We’re in the midst of a mini two-part Q&R series aimed at addressing an important question “is biblical sexuality outdated?” Last week, we explored what the purpose of sex is, and in what environment sex truly thrives. If you haven’t gotten a chance to watch that yet, we’d encourage you to go back and take a listen.

This week, we put it all into practice. We address how to handle your sexual desires as a single person and also what a healthy sex life looks like when you are married. We try to get as practical as possible in this episode, and we believe that the strategies we will discuss today can have a huge impact on your own outlook of sexuality.

What is Q&R Podcast?

We’re so excited to officially launch something we’ve been working on the last few months behind the scenes — a long-form Question and Response (Q&R) Podcast! At Redeemer Lincoln Square, we value questions and the people who ask them because questions lead to dialogue, dialogue fosters relationships, and relationships create community. So in that sense, this project is a natural progression of this missional value.
We will be releasing one episode per month and no question will be off-limits.