Just Between Coaches

Have you ever been judgmental of a client? Would you recognize it if you were? What would you do? Marisa Murray, CEO of Leaderley, opens up about her own experience in judging clients and gives invaluable advice on how to recognize and deal with it.

Show Notes

When judgment revs up, it can be hard to recognize and even harder to stop, subsequently slowing or even halting progress with a client. Marisa Murray, CEO of Leaderley, has asked herself the tough questions about judgment in her own coaching practice of top executives. She knows first hand that when the judgment train leaves the station, coaches can no longer hold a safe coaching space for their clients. 

     Fortunately, Marisa has honed in on three absolute truths that any coach can use to slow the judgment engine down and resume positive momentum for a client. Melinda chimes in with some truly insightful advice of her own as she discusses with Marisa what every coach has experienced at least once in their career, and likely more often for seasoned coaches. Together, Marisa and Melinda explore how our judgement engine gets started, what fuels it and how we can slow, stop and even reverse it. 

In this episode we discuss:
  • How to recognize when your voice of judgment shows up.
  • How a client’s triggers can trigger you.
  • Why seasoned coaches are more vulnerable to the judgment engine. 
  • A framework for communication to keep us out of judgment. 
  • How transparency and integrity can turn things around.
  • The three absolute truths you can use to slow and reverse the momentum of judgment.
  • How to stay in discovery and out of judgment. 
  • The importance of trust, faith and deep compassion with your clients. 
  • How to hold a hypothesis and let the client verify your discovery theories.

“Fear will accelerate the judgment engine, and faith will slow it down.” 
“The only one that’s allowed to be the judge in the conversation is the client.”
– Marisa Murray

  • Guest: Marisa Murray
  • Host: Melinda Cohan
  • Produced and written: Cynthia Lamb 
  • Executive producer: Danny Iny
  • Assembled by: Michi Lantz 
  • Audio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher Martin
  • Audio Post Production: Post Office Sound
  • Music soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely

     If you don't want to miss future episodes of Just Between Coaches, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.

     If you have a question for Just Between Coaches, put the show title in the subject line and send it to podcasts@mirasee.com

• Music and SFX credits:
•Track Title: Clouds
Artist Name(s): Acreage
Writer Name: Marshall Usinger

•Track Title: Coastline Dream
Artist Name(s): Wild Sky
Writer Name: Adam Simons

•Track Title: Coo Coos
Artist Name(s): Dresden, The Flamingo
Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

•Track Title: Stars & Trees
Artist Name(s): Outside The Sky
Writer Name: Dustin Ransom

Episode transcript: The Judgment Engine (Marisa Murray). Coming soon.


Creators & Guests

Melinda Cohan
Cynthia Lamb
Marisa Murray

What is Just Between Coaches?

Where do coaches turn when they face a difficult situation with a client? Quite often, when coaching challenges arise, they reach out to a coach more senior than themselves. That’s the aim of Just Between Coaches — to be that trusted source of guidance for the coaching community.

Hosted by Melinda Cohan, coach and creator of The Coaches Console business management system, Just Between Coaches will answer the tough questions that coaches face every day. For example, what can I do if my client is lying? How do I deal with price resistance from prospects and clients? What if I want to fire a coaching client? And what the heck is a feeder course and why should I care?

This tactical podcast will provide a deep dive into one coaching topic per episode, which means searching for answers will be a breeze. It will also offer a simple way for listeners to refer other coaches who are grappling with those tough coaching questions. To submit a tough question you’re facing as a coach, put “JBC” in the subject line and send it to podcasts@mirasee.com.