Latter-day Saint MBA Podcast

1. We feel like we need to have a master plan for our life. Turns out the only real master plan is the Master’s plan.
2. Our life will never be a straight line. Sometimes it feels like a game of “Chutes and Ladders”. There’s only one way to navigate it – you have to trust God and just keep moving.
3. Sometimes we forget that the Atonement paid for everything. Everything. That means you’ll have to issue a full pardon for anyone who has wronged you. You have to issue a full pardon to your parents. Don’t carry around the baggage.
4. Always, always, always choose Courage over Comfort. That means you will choose discomfort now instead of a pile of resentment later.
5. Turns out happiness is a choice. So no matter where are – decide to be happy. We are so blessed.

Show Notes

Carine Clark is the President and CEO of Banyan, and a three-time president and CEO of high-growth tech companies, specializing in helping companies scale from $10 million to $100 million and more. Her reputation as a data-driven marketing executive at Novell, Altiris and Symantec opened doors to lead Allegiance, MartizCX, and Banyan as president and CEO. She attributes her success to building an abundant team culture, demonstrating that companies accelerate their growth when they multiply their people.

As a cancer survivor, Clark channels her deep appreciation for life and relationships into advocating that tech professionals pay it forward by mentoring young people. In addition, Clark serves on the Board of Directors of Domo (NASDAQ: DOMO), the Executive Boards of GOED (The Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development), and Silicon Slopes, a non-profit helping Utah’s tech community thrive. She has received numerous awards including the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award in the Utah Region and Utah Business Magazine’s CEO of the Year.

Clark earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational communications and an MBA from Brigham Young University and enjoys traveling, exploring, and doing hard things with her family.

What is Latter-day Saint MBA Podcast?

We seek, by way of business, the betterment of individuals, organizations, and societies through principles-based leadership, mentoring, and service.