This Witch Reads

In this episode, I share what Demetra George’s book, “Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess”, taught me about being a witch and tending to my soul.

Demetra is someone I was introduced to when I started studying ancient and Hellenistic astrology and whenever she is being interviewed on "The Astrology Podcast" I listen to, I swoon over her vast knowledge of the stars and Goddesses. What a phenomenal woman and role model! I looked up to her before I read this book so it was a treat to actually be with her words and stories for awhile.

In “Mysteries of the Dark Moon”, she incorporates mythological archetypes, transpersonal healing therapies and astrology as she explores the mystery, wisdom and power of the dark phase of the moon’s cycle.

In this episode, I summarize some of the teachings you'll find in her book and share my experience reading it.

You can also view the written version of this episode on my blog;

What is This Witch Reads?

This Witch Reads is a podcast about a witch’s journey to deepen her magic and spirituality through books. Whether the book is found at the local bookstore, in the forgotten corners of my own bookshelf or recovered from an ancient source, I hope to learn more about the magical path through the written word and I invite you to join me.