Wisdom and Compassion

Celebrating Saka Dawa Duchen while in Isolation
Saka Dawa Duchen is on June 5th in 2020

In the Tibetan tradition, Saka Dawa is a month of celebration of the birth, enlightenment and passing [Skt. Parinirvana] of the Buddha Shakyamuni. Dawa means ‘month’ in Tibetan. The term Saka comes from Tibetan astrology—the Saka star is associated with the full moon of this month. 

Saka Dawa observations take place in the fourth Tibetan month of each year, which in 2020 begins on May 23 and ends on June 21. The full-moon day of Saka Dawa, occurring on the 15th day of the Tibetan month, is one date most commonly associated with not only Buddha’s birth but also his enlightenment and parinirvana, and therefore often is said to be the most auspicious day of all. In 2020, the 15th day of the month—called Saka Dawa Duchen—falls on June 5 in the Gregorian calendar.

It is sometimes taught that the merit of any beneficial thoughts, speech and actions are multiplied during this time—some teachers say as much as one hundred million times. But how can we practice it during the time of Covid? You can do it! Happy Saka Dawa!

The music for this episode is “Starlight” - by Podington Bear of Portland, Oregon - Thanks to composer Chad Crouch. Support Chad here.

What is Wisdom and Compassion?

Buddhism for here and now. The Wisdom and Compassion podcast is an offering of Dekeling, a Buddhist community in Portland, Oregon, dedicated to sharing the principles and practices of Buddhism in an accessible and inclusive way, to human beings everywhere. We support your right to awaken to your spiritual potential in whatever way inspires you.