Community Expert Podcast

Community Expert Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 10 Season 1

Classlist CXPodcast with Jimi Slattery, CEO CompassionMatters.Org

Classlist CXPodcast with Jimi Slattery, CEO CompassionMatters.OrgClasslist CXPodcast with Jimi Slattery, CEO CompassionMatters.Org


Classlist CEO Susan Burton interviews Jimi Slattery, CEO of CompassionMatters. Org. Key highlights are Jimi's description of the work they are doing in schools to build up compassion in their pupils. The end result - children who complete the course are better prepared to think about ethical issues, make positive changes to themselves and above all be more compassionate. And happier.

Show Notes

Jimi heads up the Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion’s educational outreach. Compassion Matters. Org. Jimi and his team support the teaching of ethics and moral philosophy in schools. Using a framework they have designed which covers important themes. For instance happiness; courage; justice; bravery and resilience. The end result - children who complete the course are better prepared to think about ethical issues, make positive changes to themselves and above all be more compassionate. And happier. 

In this podcast Jimi and I discuss the importance of community. How important it is to belong. How it’s a basic human need that is core to our happiness and well being. As we emerge from lockdown over the next couple of months. We are going to have to rebuild  our school communities that have been frankly a bit neglected the past year.  Jimi is here to discuss his work in schools, his thoughts on belonging and why compassion matters. Including:

  • How did you come up with the idea of Compassion Matters?
  • How did you  and your team build trust with school leaders? What tactics did they deploy?
  • How have you adapted to the different  challenges during school lockdown?
  • Where do you see the future of Compassion Matters?
  • In light of remote learning, how will this impact your plans to educate pupils about compassion in the future?

Jimi's favourite books and podcasts?
  • Ordinary Magic- Resilience in Development
  • Podcast- Grief Cast with Carriad Lloyd
  • Podcast - First Person Plural
  • The compassion project- Dr Julian Abel
  • Born to be good: The science of a meaningful life - Dacher Keltner

What is Community Expert Podcast?

Welcome to the Classlist CX - Community Expert podcast series. Where our aim is to inspire and guide you with insight and advice from our community of experts.

Throughout this series we share best practice from successful school community leaders. In addition we discuss possible career opportunities beyond the school gate. Last but not least we hear from leading speakers from the wider world of community.