A Short Walk through Our Long History

So last episode we left Julius Caesar lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Some in the Senate were very happy about this, but generally speaking, most of Rome liked Caesar, and were not happy about it.

The Senators who assassinated him had a clear picture of what they didn’t want: a tyrant ruling over them. But they did not have a clear picture of what they did want, and they didn’t have anyone ready to step into the vacuum of power that existed after the center of their government - Caesar - was removed. And now much of the city of Rome was mad at the Senate. After a welcome period of peace during the reign of Caesar, everyone knew that now there was going to be more trouble.

What is A Short Walk through Our Long History?

I think that if you want to understand the world we live in today, it helps to understand the important events of history. In this series, we are going to look at major events, people, documents, places, books, and ideas that have shaped history, and thus shaped our modern world.