Speaking of the Arts

Each month the Missouri Arts Council features four artists on its website from a variety of arts genres, and on this week's show Diana Moxon checks in with the November artists: portrait photographer Randy Bacon from Springfield whose profoundly moving photographs of unsheltered people has traveled the country and is also a vital viewing short film "The Road I Call Home" (https://www.randybacon.com/the-road-i-call-home-short-film); St Louis-based visual artist and art educator, Simiya Sudduth, whose love of mural painting might have started when they drew their classmates names on their mother's basement ceiling as a first grader; from Cameron, colored pencil artist Wanda Taylor whose paintings of animals appear tactile; and landscape painter Michael McClure from Willow Springs whose vibrant and light-filled paintings are guided by his intuition and his soul. You can see the works of this week's guests on their websites: https://www.randybacon.com/; https://spiritscapes.life/; http://www.wandataylorart.com/; https://www.michaelmcclure.com/. Thanks, as always, to guitarist Yasmin Williams (http://www.yasminwilliamsmusic.com/) for the show's opening and closing music entitled, 'Restless Heart'. (Pictured artwork by Wanda Taylor)

What is Speaking of the Arts?

Speaking of the Arts is mid-Missouri's only weekly arts show. The show is hosted by Diana Moxon, who chats with actors, directors, authors, musicians, festival directors, event organizers, arts curators, and artists about the events they are involved in and also about their own works and their influences. Whilst the show focuses mainly on the mid-Missouri arts scene, Diana's guests have included international composers, conductors, authors as well as artists, musicians, and performers from around Missouri.