Money Talk: The Annex Wealth Management Show - Naples

Another big jobs month might seal the deal on the next rate hike. We'll cover that including market reaction during the Week-in-Review. Learn more about the Annex Retirement Plan Services department with Tom Parks--he's got a great educational piece on 401k basics. Robert Chastain, branch director at Annex Southwest Florida, covers why it's so important for couples to work together on investment and retirement planning. What are options for financial planning in a changing tax world? Deanne Phillips covers that. And we've got a list of key mistakes to avoid when working on your will. 

What is Money Talk: The Annex Wealth Management Show - Naples?

The Annex Wealth Management Show - Naples, airs Sunday at 12 noon on 92-5 Fox News. We review the week in the markets, discuss what impacts your portfolio and financial plan, and offer insights from our investment and planning, estate, and tax teams, all operating as part of a fee-only fiduciary partner.