The MOVE Against Cancer Podcast

Kat is an incredible individual and we're sure that you will be blown away listening to her story.
Kat was diagnosed with cervical cancer in early 2019. Having gone into remission, the chances of recurrence were in the 5% range – but unfortunately on Thursday 2nd July 2020, Kat was told it was back.
However, this did not stop her at all- Having never rowed before Kat completed the 3,000 mile journey, as part of The ExtraOARdinary Crew- alongside crewmates Abby and Charlotte, to successfully row across the Atlantic Ocean in a WORLD Record time of 42 days, 7 hours and 17 minutes!
Kat navigated treatment and training for this epic adventure and raised an incredible amount of money for cancer charities. This podcast is all about an inspiring woman who really does put the CAN in cancer.

Show Notes

In this episode you will hear:
  • All about the power of the mind in overcoming challenges. 
  • How working as a team takes on a whole new meaning on a small boat in the middle of the ocean. 
  • The importance of breaking down barriers.
  • All about relationships based on honesty, trust and integrity.
  • The value of living in the moment and living life the way you want to. 
This episode will make you want to take on your own personal challenge, whether that be walking 5k or rowing the Atlantic, we hope this episode inspires you to Move Against Cancer and live life to the full in your own way. 

What is The MOVE Against Cancer Podcast?

Welcome to the Move Against Cancer Podcast.

This podcast aspires to support and inspire people to move, exercise and live an active and fulfilling life despite a cancer diagnosis. We share the stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

We know that many people are scared to stay active during cancer treatment. We know that for some, cancer can take away the hope that comes from dreaming of a future. And we know many people diagnosed with cancer feel isolated and lonely.

We hope that by sharing the stories of others finding their own way through cancer, the Move Against Cancer podcast will provide hope, support and a sense of empowerment to anyone living with or beyond cancer.

Unfortunately, cancer will affect everyone either personally or through our loved ones and so whatever position you are in we hope you will learn and be inspired by our podcast. Thank you so much for listening.