
From his early life growing up in a Council Estate in Southend, Richard Rowntree has worked his way up in a wide range of jobs, reinventing himself along the way and hungry to learn and help change the Financial world by encouraging and assisting more new talent from different socio-economic backgrounds to progress to top positions.

Show Notes

Richard Rowntree is a great example of someone who grabbed their opportunities with determination and a positive attitude.
From his early life growing up in a Council Estate in Southend, Richard Rowntree has worked his way up in a range of jobs, from a development programme at Halifax in 1991, through branch management, to becoming Sales Director, and then National Director of Santander, MD of Bank of Ireland Mortgages and now sits as the MD of Mortgages at Paragon Banking Group as well as a UK Finance Board Member.

He is passionate about his work with Progress Together, helping to change the Financial world by encouraging and assisting more new talent from different socio-economic backgrounds to not just come into finance but to ensure they progress to top positions. 

In this episode, we chat about many things, including:

• Humble beginnings - growing up in a council estate in Southend 
• Learning how to fit in and get on with people
• Taking opportunities
• Having to reinvent yourself
• Dealing with setbacks and staying positive
• Imposter Syndrome, coping mechanisms and your inner monologue
• Equality and Social Mobility: Driving socio-economic diversity
• What is Progress Together and how to get involved
• Richard's definition of success
• The best piece of advice Richard ever had
• The one person you would want to meet in history and what would you ask them

I am sure his story will be of interest to you.

This is the Pathfinder Podcast, may the path you take be the right one for you.

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Creators & Guests

Andrew Montlake
MD, Brand Evangelist, Spokesperson @Coreco Monty's Blog: Mortgages, PropertyAwards: Business Leader, Mortgage Personality, Spokesperson, Strategist, Marketeer

What is Pathfinders?

The definition of a pathfinder, amongst many, is “one that discovers a way especially: one that explores untraversed regions to mark out a new route.” The Pathfinder Podcast is about the journeys we take in business and in our life.

It’s about the fact that the destination is not the be-all and end-all, it’s the paths we take along the way that is the real journey. It is this that defines us and makes us who we are today.

I am setting out to meet real people who have inspired me, both within the mortgage, property and finance industry and outside it, to hear their stories and learn from the paths they have taken. Their successes and failures that have led them to become who they are today. We all have a story to tell, and perhaps their story will resonate with yours and make you realise that you are never alone. We are all pathfinders finding our way in the world.

This is the Pathfinder Podcast, may the path you take be the right one for you.