ATX Metal Podcast

Par for the course, I finally found the SD card that held our end of year wrap for 2022.  We didn't dig into "best album" or "our favorite song" of '22.  We spent the bulk of the time just going over what we all accomplished last year and what we have in the oven for this year.  Unfortunately, Jared "The Young One" and newly minted "Baby Daddy" Jeremy couldn't join us but they were with us in spirit.

I (Ryan), Kittie, Taylor and eventually Josh, got together on a video chat late Dec '22 and chatted about whatever came to mind.  Here are some highlights.

-Tips and tricks on how to conduct a podcast
-Taylor working more at CATIL and got a new sound board
-Kittie got on stage and screamed along to Pantera while on some vodka drink and moshed for the first time ever at an Undeath concert
-Taylor joined new bands and had to get a new car (RIP red Mazda)
-Ryan thinks he knows how to run lights and also got a metal whisk (yes, a freaking whisk)
-Josh saved the podcast website

It was a fun 2022 and we look forward to bringing cool content in 2023

Episode info:
Intro song: "Common Flow" by Arborenna
Chacos Footwear:

Come and Take It Productions:
Come and Take It Live:
Titan Audio Productions:

What is ATX Metal Podcast?

The goal of the podcast is to grow with our community and help shed some light on the behind the scenes of our local bands and everyone involved in the music community. We support in any way that we can by going to shows, buying merch and bringing you these podcasts so you can get to know the bands and people little bit more.