The Endurance Coaching Business Podcast

Recently, I wrote a post about how some coaching platforms weren't operating in the best interest of coaches After that, I asked my email list to come and comment on one of my LinkedIn posts to help me get some traction. Only two people did. This made me realize something: not many coaches are using LinkedIn, or I hadn’t quite built enough credit with my audience yet. Probably a little bit of both.

I suspect most coaches are spending more time on platforms like Instagram, where engagement is high. This engagement feels great, but there is a problem. On Instagram a lot of people take small actions by liking, or commenting, but not big action, like booking a call with you to discuss your coaching.

I also recently wrote about charging premium prices and attracting higher-paying, less price-sensitive clients. So where are those clients? Probably on LinkedIn.

Instagram is flashy—it’s where you get likes, comments, and shares. But how often do those likes turn into paying clients? Sure, people might engage with your content more on Instagram, but LinkedIn users are more professional and less price-sensitive. They might not “like” your Instagram post, but they’re far more likely to book a call and become a customer.

Why LinkedIn Should Be on Your Radar

You might not think LinkedIn is the best place to share content, but LinkedIn users are actively looking for ways to improve their careers and lives, making them more likely to see the value in your coaching services.

LinkedIn hasn’t traditionally been the cool kid on the block, but that’s changing. It’s becoming more popular, not just for finding a new corporate job, but for connecting with professionals who are serious about personal growth and are willing to invest in themselves.

Instagram might give you more likes and views, but LinkedIn could give you “good” business. The people on LinkedIn are serious—they’re the ones who will read your posts, check out your profile, and reach out to learn how you can help them achieve their goals.

Patience Is Key

Building a presence on LinkedIn isn’t quick or easy. I’ve heard people say you might need to post 3-4 times a week for a year before you really start getting noticed. That feels about right to me. If it were easy and quick, everyone would be doing it. But if you’re patient and consistent, the rewards can be significant. Over time, you’ll build a network of connections who see the value in what you offer and are ready to invest in your services.

Instagram is great for show, but LinkedIn is where you can make the dough. If you haven’t already, it’s time to start treating LinkedIn as a key part of your marketing strategy. Your next high-paying client might just be one connection away.

It might be a good time to get started on LinkedIn, I’m trying to build up my own audience over there so please connect with me

You can read the full blog here

You can watch the video version here

Training Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here

Creators & Guests

Cam Langsford @ Training Tilt
Founder of @trainingtilt Auckland, New Zealand

What is The Endurance Coaching Business Podcast?

Short actionable tips to help create, manage or grow a running, triathlon or endurance sports coaching business online