Care Partners Compass: Navigating CRC

Trailer and introduction to Care Partners Compass: Navigating CRC podcast.

Short introduction to the podcast. New episodes will start to be released in March 2024, Colorectal Cancer Awareness month.

Host: Elsa Lankford
Production: Elsa Lankford
Music by: Elsa Lankford


This podcast and its content is for entertainment purposes only. The views and opinions expressed by any hosts or guests on this podcast are their own personal opinions.

Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation.

This podcast does not contain medical or legal advice. Please consult your medical professional about any medical questions or concerns.

Creators & Guests

Elsa Lankford
I'm the host of Care Partner's Compass: Navigating CRC, a patient advocate for colorectal cancer, and a care partner to my incredible wife Kristine. I am an artist, composer, educator, and podcaster. I'm a professor in the Electronic Media and Film Department at Towson University.

What is Care Partners Compass: Navigating CRC?

A podcast for care partners, cancer patients, and anybody who knows or loves somebody with cancer, particularly colorectal cancer (CRC). Care Partners Compass is told through the lens of a Stage 4 CRC care partner with occasional guests.

Season 1 will be primarily from my personal experience as a stage 4 CRC care partner. Topics will include diagnosis, biomarkers, clinical trials, second opinions, finding hope and joy, and more.

The podcast trailer is out now. Please listen and share widely.

Logo design: Kristine Dunkerton

Episodes will be dropping in March 2024 - Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

If you are 45 and older, or are any age and are experiencing anemia, unexplained weight loss, or other symptoms, please schedule your colonoscopy.

This podcast and its content is for entertainment purposes only. The views and opinions expressed by any hosts or guests on this podcast are their own personal opinions.

Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation.

This podcast does not contain medical or legal advice. Please consult your medical professional about any medical questions or concerns.