The Morning Muster Sailing Podcast

Our guests, Shemaya Laurel and Adam Cove offer great insight into sailing and cruising without an engine. Even if you never plan to sail without an engine aboard, this episode discusses techniques that apply to all sailors and teaches seamanship lessons that benefit all of us on the water.

Show Notes

You can find more information about our guests:
Shemaya Laurel's blog
Adam Cove can be found in instagram @adam.cove.

This episode of The Morning Muster Podcast is sponsored by:
Our friends Katie & Lyall at Sun Powered Yachts  who helped us expand our solar array. They’re a SunPower authorized dealer and offer both flexible  panels and fixed frame panels ranging from 50w to 410W. They’re super high efficiency solar panels, which means more power in less space. Katie & Lyall are both sailors & have lived off grid for over 8 years. They provide free consultation to help you size and build a DIY system. Check out their website for more info and use the promocode MORSEALPHA to get 10% off their flexible panels.

Music by:Tim Eriksen

What is The Morning Muster Sailing Podcast?

Dive deep into the substance of sailing’s most engaging topics. During each episode, Teresa & Ben Carey catch up with 2 guests: cruisers, maritime professionals, and old salts — to discuss the lessons the ocean had in store for them.