I Want To Hack

A quick overview of how I got into static site generators, and why they're pretty swell for super fast sites. As well, some background on my own web development journey.

Show Notes

♦ Connect!

♥ This week's episode: Static Site Generators

These things are awesome. Super fast load pages with a zillion use-cases.
  1. List of Static Site Generators
  2. Hugo (which I'm currently using)
  3. GitHub Pages for hosting and deploying a simple site at [<username>.github.io]
  4. Netlify for auto-deployment from Github or GitLab etc
  5. My GitHub Repo for the current site
  6. Current site at eamonncottrell.com

♠ I Want to Hack

  • I Want to Hack began documenting my desire to code and explore software engineering in the early 2012's, and re-emerged in 2020 after many years of working in small business, starting an engineering degree and doing a bunch of self learning in the web-development world.

♣ Undertow & Eamonn

  • I Want to Hack is part of The Undertow Podcast Network
  • I am COO at Cups, and aspiring software founder. I enjoy hanging with my family, running ultramarathons, playing piano, launching podcasts, and drinking great coffee.

What is I Want To Hack?

Weekly discussion of coding and spreadsheets in real life business applications.