Quantum Heart Cafe

Apologies for the not publishing any shows for the last few months. I hope everyone had a wonderful end to 2022 and I feel like 2023 is a good time for me to learn what is means to remain human in these techno-logic (John Trudell) times we are in. In tonight's show I also spend sometime concluding Elana Freeland's book Geoengineering Transhumanism.

Alison Mcdowell's website can be found here https://wrenchinthegears.com/ and a few people, myself included, have contributed Letters from the Labyrinth and I encourage listeners to take a look at where they are located in the Labyrinth and how this predatory energy is trying to manifest.

What is Quantum Heart Cafe?

The quantum heart cafe is a place where I share my journey of healing and exploration as I discuss topics such as history, esoteric knowledge, spirituality, quantum physics etc, all while enjoying a cup of coffee. I hope you will join me with your favourite beverage in hand.