Thrills and Chills: Establishing Product Marketing

Join us as we discuss an article that Kevin wrote around the core skills that are essential for PMMs where he identifies four different types of PMMS. We then dive into his experience at both early and later stage companies, how to know when you’re ready to build a team, what it’s like marketing a unique self-serve product that’s both B2B and B2C, and defining category creation.

Question posed in this interview: “Would you rather be at an A company with a B sales team or have an A sales team and a B product?”

Show Notes

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Check out Kevin's article, The PMM Classification System

What is Thrills and Chills: Establishing Product Marketing ?

“The company story is the company strategy.”
— Ben Horowitz, Partner and Co-founder, Andreessen Horowitz

For many startups, marketing isn’t important—until it is. This hasn’t always been the case. For the past decade, everyone was obsessed with finding a “growth hacker.” But now, product marketers are in high demand as companies realize their value. Startups are now asking: when should I hire a product marketer? Should my first marketing hire be a product marketer?

Lots of people want to be the first product marketer, but only a few make the leap. They’re the builders. The fixers. The risk-takers. They embrace the chaos. They’re comfortable being uncomfortable.

This is a journey into their world. It’s about sharing the thrills and chills of being the first product marketer at a startup. Along the way we’ll meet some amazing people. You’ll hear engaging stories about imperfect product launches. The challenges and nuances of everyday work. The skills needed to succeed. And of course, fresh perspectives on what it really takes to be a company’s first product marketer.

The only way to be on this journey is to begin. Let’s go.